Simple healthier eating habits!
1 . Whole foods instead of processed foods! Instead of frozen pizza and Cup O Noodles purchase whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, & whole grains. Each are packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins & minerals your body needs and loves. Processed foods lack these nutrients and contain empty calories such as potato chips. Adding fruit or yogurt as a snack and fresh or frozen veggies to your lunch and/or dinner is a great start.
2 . Say GOODBYE to sugary drinks! The average American consumes about 45 gallons of soda each year, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation. Among the obvious risk of Type 2 diabetes & obesity, consuming sugary beverages can also cause liver damage, premature aging and anxiety. So, put the sugary drinks down and pick up a unsweetened beverage, bottle of water or infused water. You owe it to your body!
3 . Keep healthy food readily available! When you get hungry, you tend to eat the first thing you see on the counter or in the fridge. Keeping healthy foods readily accessible & visible in your home or work is a good way to pick up healthier eating habits. Keep fruits on the kitchen counter, healthy snacks at eye level in your pantry and stock up your fridge with a few containers of cooked whole grains, meats packed with protein & good fats, fruits and vegetables. At work you can store nuts, dried berries and food high in fiber in a jar and place it on your desk or in its top drawer.
4 . Nuts & Seeds pack a punch! From protein and healthy fats to vitamins and minerals, nuts are a super-food that pack a serious nutritional punch. Seeds like chia, flax seed and pumpkin seeds are like the Hercules of nutrition. They are an excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium. You can add them to virtually anything you create or you can simply munch on them instead of a candy bar or bag of chips.
5 . Fishing for Fats! Eating fish such as salmon & mackerel at least twice a week could improves brain & heart health & can potentially reduce the risk of diseases such as Alzheimers, dementia, & diabetes. This superfood is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.
Increased flexibility and joint range of motion: Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance in even the most simplest of tasks.. Tasks such as lifting boxes, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying across the parking lot into work become easier and less tiring. Flexibility tends to diminish as you get older, but you can maintain & regain it with constant stretching.
Improved circulation: Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles. Blood flowing to your muscles brings nourishment and gets rid of waste byproducts in the muscle tissue. Improved circulation can help shorten your recovery time if you've had any muscle injuries.
Better posture: Frequent stretching can help keep your muscles from getting tight, which in turns allow you to maintain proper posture. Proper posture can minimize discomfort while keeping aches and pains at a minimum.
Stress relief: Stretching relaxes tight, tense muscles that often accompany stress.
Enhanced performance: Maintaining the full range-of-motion through your joints keeps you in better balance and your muscles work more efficiently. Coordination and balance will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls, especially as you get older.
Active Stretching

Dynamic Stretching

Static Stretches

Benefits of drinking water daily.

1. It lubricates the joints:
Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80 percent water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints' shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain.
2. It forms saliva and mucus:
Saliva helps us digest our food and keeps the mouth, nose, and eyes moist. This prevents friction and damage. Drinking water also keeps the mouth clean. Consuming water instead of sweetened beverages, it can also reduce tooth decay.
3. It delivers oxygen throughout the body:
Blood is more than 90 percent water, and blood carries oxygen to different parts of the body.
4. It boosts skin health and beauty:
With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling.
5. It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues:
Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It is also involved in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.
6. It regulates body temperature:
Water that is stored in the middle layers of the skin comes to the skin's surface as sweat when the body heats up. As it evaporates, it cools the body.
7,Helps with digestion:
The bowel needs water to work properly. Dehydration can lead to digestive problems, constipation, and an overly acidic stomach. This increases the risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers.
8. It flushes body waste:
Water is needed in the processes of sweating and removal of urine and feces.
9. It helps maintain blood pressure:
A lack of water can cause blood to become thicker, increasing blood pressure.
10. The airways need it:
When dehydrated, airways are restricted by the body in an effort to minimize water loss. This can make asthma and allergies worse.
11. It makes minerals and nutrients accessible:
These dissolve in water, which makes it possible for them to reach different parts of the body.
12. It prevents kidney damage:
The kidneys regulate fluid in the body. Insufficient water can lead to kidney stones and other problems.